- 软件大小: 17.34MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 媒体制作
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 19:12:28
- 开 发 商:
Tracking, stabilisation, rotoscoping and compositing are a fundamental part of visual effects work
On average visual effects projects, monet will result in a 5% increase in profits by enabling you to deliver on more complex shots whilst producing higher quality in the same or less time on every shot, reducing the risk of not delivering on clients expectations.
monet complements your existing investment in post production hardware/software by being compatible with most other packages, such as Autodesk Discreet, Avid DS, Adobe After Effects, eyeon Fusion 5, Quantel generationQ, Apple Shake and other compositing and editing systems.
Below you will find a selection of videos that show monet in action and explain why monet is such a unique product. Once you have watched these videos, why not download monet and try it for yourself?
- PGWare SystemSwift(系统加速软件) v2.5.9.2016 特别版 系统加速工具
- Acute Systems TransMac(读、写和格式化Macintosh高密度磁盘) v11.3 特别版
- 电脑遥控数码相机拍摄软件(Breeze Systems NKRemote) v2.6.1特别版
- 按需扫描病毒(SystemScanner) V1.0绿色版
- Common Number Systems(十进制数转换) v1.0绿色版
- Six Mile Creek Systems Springboard v0.91 动画脚本编写工具
- RF1 Systems Midi Tracker v1.2.7 特别版 一款音乐编辑器
- Avanquest SystemSuite v9.0 英文版 包括反病毒_反间谍_防火墙_系统工具等