- 软件大小: 16.84MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 图像处理
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 19:33:25
- 开 发 商:
note:ANVSOFT Flash Slide Show Maker is a tool to create a simple but attractive Flash slideshow from your photos that you can upload to your website to share with friends and family. It offers severs slideshow themes to choose from, as well as background music and optional effects like dropping leaves, snowflakes and others. The program also includes a free hosting (no sign-up required) option that will upload your slideshow to their server, allowing you to send the link to friends and family.
关键字: ANVSOFT Flash Slide Show Maker 特别版
- 幻灯片制作软件(Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD) v4.0.0.58 多语言版
- 手机刷机应用专业版 FlashFire Pro v0.51 汉化版
- 新浪SHOW视频聊天 v3.6.208 正式版_集聊天、会议、点播 官方版
- USB闪存卡数据恢复软件 IUWEshare USB Flash Drive Data Recovery v1.8.8.8 Unlimited / AdvancedPE
- 柠萌影音特别版(柠萌在线影音播放器) 7.96 绿色版
- dps数据处理系统特别版(dps数据处理软件) 7.05 绿色版
- 影子卫士特别版 v1.4.0.629 简体中文特别版 Roustar31
- FlashFXP绿色版 绿色特别版