- 软件大小: 573KB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 图像处理
- 运行环境: Win9x/2000/XP/2003/Vista
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 软件等级:
- 更新时间: 2009/8/21 7:11:09
- 开 发 商:
Atrise Golden Section 一款供艺术家、设计师、编程人员和摄影师使用的设计工具。该工具可以让您直观地运用黄金分割来设计。-通过网格进行图解和网状设计;-图片裁剪和分析助手;-多层网格模式;-Logo、网页、界面、照片和图解设计的可调用户界面;-完全通过鼠标和键盘操控;-运用黄金分割进行设计。
This program is an unique design tool for artists, designers, programmers, photographers. It allows you design using the golden section proportion visually over your preffered design software.
Artists, architects and sculptors have been searching for the secrets of beauty throughout the centuries. To many of them it was given subconsciously, with talent. Others used previously obtained secrets. We are happy to offer you a software, which makes it possible to use one of the most effective and finest secrets of harmony and perfection - the golden section!
Our program will help you see harmonious dimensions and forms. It will assist you in creating elegant items, while staying away from calculators and numbers. Simply launch the program, adjust the dimensions for your design and create!
Many designers, using Atrise Golden Section ask themselves, "This is indeed so simple! How come we were not aware of this program before?" Now they are creating beauty and perfection. We will be very glad if you join them and use our program to fill the universe with refinement, beauty and harmony.
关键字: Atrise Golden Section
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