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鼓励与真诚演讲PPT (关于鼓励与真诚主题英文演讲PPT模板)在一些表达自己的主题的演讲的模板中,可以用到中英文对照的方式来进行解说,既可以让自己的观点表达清楚,又符合双重的语言的环境的标准,在这里为大家整理的一份相关的PPT的模板,关于英文的真诚与鼓励的演讲的PPT的模板,有着双语对照的模式在其中,十分的高端显眼,也可以进行学习,欢迎有需要的用户来进行下载是使用。
A Broadway comedian once had a nightmare: he dreamed he was telling stories and singing songs in a crowded theater, with thousands of people watching him — but no one laughed or clapped. “Even at $100,000 a week,” he says, “that would be just hell on earth 1.”
It is not only the actor who needs applause. Without praise and encouragement anyone can lose self-confidence. Thus we all have a double necessity: to be commended and to know how to commend. There is a technique in giving a compliment, a right way to go about it. It is no real compliment, for instance, to praise a man for some obvious attainment. Use discernment and originality. “That was a wonderfully convincing speech you made tonight,” a gracious woman once said to a businessman. “I could not help thinking2 what a fine lawyer you would have made.”The merchant flushed like a schoolboy at the unexpected character of the tribute
关键字: 鼓励与真诚演讲PPT