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- 更新时间: 2015/10/15 2:37:13
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英文文字PPT (优美英文文字PPT模板)在英语中,有着很多很美很动听的句子,在某个不经意的时候,就会让我们怦然心动。那么在进行英语的演讲的时候,也是可以用到一些相关的PPT的模板来当做自己的句子的对应,在这里为大家整理的一份相关的PPT的模板,用到的就是一些优美的英文的句子来当做整个的PPT的模板的主题,十分的唯美优雅,欢迎有需要的用户来进行下载使用。
The story of her is the story of a child who, at the age of 18 months, was suddenly shut off from the world, but who, against overwhelming odds(失败的可能性), waged(发动)a slow, hard, but successful battle to reenter that same world. The inarticulate little deaf and blind girl grew into a highly intelligent and sensitive woman who wrote, spoke, and labored incessantly for the betterment of others.
关键字: 英文文字PPT