- 软件大小: 40.94MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 图像处理
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 特别版
- 更新时间: 2009/3/23 21:31:29
- 开 发 商:
InAlbum is a unique software to help you turn your digital photos and videos into stunning photo albums. It is fun, quick, and easy to use !
Key Features
Simply choose from 100+ ready to use templates or custom templates which let you combine, mix & match background animations, buttons, photo frames, fonts, transition effects, etc.
Add videos to your show with video navigation control and apply video effects such as motion blur, emboss, sepia, mozaik, oil painting, etc.. Most common video and audio formats are supported (AVI, MOV, MPEG).
Decorate with 300+ high quality animated clipart, speech bubbles (callouts), sounds, music. Record your voice and convert into ghost, girly sound effect, etc.
Import Flash movie and animated GIFs to create your own clipart.
Click here to see some examples. .
Morph your friend's face into apes, alien, bird, and a lot more!
Create high quality DVD movie with menu, Super VCD, and Video CD (playable on TVs).
Publish as Flash movie, HTML, AVI video, executable file (EXE), screensaver, or wallpaper.
Send to friends and families by e-mail.
Host it online for free at your own personal inalbum.com web site.
Customize your personal website using your own logo, background and colors.
Print your photos with or without decoration, as standard, jumbo, full size photo, greeting card, label, CD cover, sticker or wallet photo.
关键字: InAlbum Deluxe
- 大生意豪华版安卓版(Big Business Deluxe) v3.0.5 汉化免费版
- 图片转EXE工具(PicturesToExe Deluxe & Essentials) v8.0.20 免费版
- 影片格式转换软件 iSkysoft iMedia Converter Deluxe v5.9.0.1 免费版
- 制作flash照片幻灯片相册(AlbumMe Deluxe) v3.7.1免费版 (含相册模板)
- WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe(高清视频转换工具) v5.9.2.260 特别版
- 菲汀简易电子相册制作软件 PhytinAlbum 1.0.1绿色版
- QualitDeluxe字体(网页设计常用字体) 绿色版
- 功能全面的音频工具 Cool Record Edit Deluxe v9.0.2特别版