- 软件大小: 61.34MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 图像处理
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 19:40:12
- 开 发 商:
所有的矢量绘图软件都有笔刷工具,但是Xara Xtreme的笔刷工具(Freehand and Brush Tool)更加好用,它所绘出的线条可以进行编辑。不仅可以拉伸、改变方向,还可以选择不同的线条样式。
Xara Xtreme带有一些特殊效果工具如阴影工具(Shadow Tool)、斜角工具(Bevel Tool)、周线工具(Contour Tool)、重叠工具(Blend Tool),使用这些工具,只要一步就能作出相应的效果。
“Live Effects Tool”内嵌17种效果插件,不仅可应用于绘图,也可应用于图像的效果处理。此外,Live Effects Tool还支持插件扩展。
Xara Xtreme for Windows的内嵌的免费插件来自于Xenofex 2、Av Bros等专业插件开发团队,这些插件具有创意独特、效果精致。如MEHDI的毛糙插件(Fur)、Xenofex 2的电视画面插件(television)。
Xara Xtreme is simply the best graphics software for all your drawing and day to day photo needs, ideal for both print and the web.
If you're looking for drawing software then Xtreme is a perfect solution for everything from simple logos to astonishingly detailed illustrations.
If you're working with photos then Xtreme will match your ambitions from simple one click auto-enhance of your photo through to awesome photo compositions.
If you are looking for software for creating web graphics then Xtreme can help you produce all the graphics you'll need for your site, from smart and sharp navigation buttons to eye catching animated GIFs.
Whatever graphics you need and whatever your skill level, the famously friendly user interface and fast processing of Xara Xtreme will make it an absolute pleasure to be creative.
关键字: Xara Xtreme Pro
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