
  • 软件大小: 7.35MB
  • 软件语言: 简体中文
  • 软件类别: 国外软件 | 图像处理
  • 运行环境: Xp/Vista/Win7/Win8/WinAll
  • 授权方式: 特别版
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  • 更新时间: 2017/7/22 14:15:33
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    Turbo Photo 数码照片管理、处理软件

    Turbo Photo是一个以数码影像为背景,面向数码相机普通用户和准专业用户而设计的一套集图片管理,浏览,处理,输出为一身的国产软件系统。如果您拥有数码相机,Turbo Photo可以完成与之相关的绝大部分工作,成为您的数码相机最好伴侣。照片自动调整、美容、插值和打印、去除噪声、批量处理、浏览与管理....这几项是普通数码相机用户最关心的功能,以前,您也许需要下载3-5个软件来分别完成以上功能,现在您只需要拥有Turbo Photo就全部搞定。不要认为集成在一起的软件就不专业,效果就不好了。Turbo Photo的设计使用了一流的独创的图像处理技术,使得这些应用的最终效果不逊于任何单项软件,甚至有所超出,譬如她是世界上第一个具有皮肤自动检测、识别与美化全自动处理技术的软件,可以在1分钟内达到数字美容的效果;领先于几乎所有同类软件(譬如PhotoShop)的图像插值技术可以让您的130万像素相机输出A4大幅面;综合去噪技术可以有效去除感光噪声和色彩斑点。同样也是首创的,面向问题的‘照片门诊部’可以轻松的解决照片里的不足,将您的照片调整到最佳的曝光与色彩... ... 同时,Turbo Photo简单的用户界面,大量的向导功能,使得您在第一次使用的时候就能轻松上手。是真真正正的傻瓜软件。

    Turbo Photo is a very easy to use yet powerful image editing/processing software that is designed for digital camera owners. It offers professional image enhancement options without requiring you to have any technical knowledge of digital imaging. The program starts out with a wizard dialog that ask you "what is wrong with your picture?" and offers you to choose the option from an example dialog. From then on, it takes you step by step through correcting or enhancing your image while constantly offering you previews of possible options as well as the original to compare to. You simple select which suggested version of the image looks best or adjust the settings to further improve it. In many cases, you will be able to turn an average photo into a great one within a matter of minutes while others may need some fine tuning, which can be easily done, regardless of your experience. Exposure, color, composition, sharpness, and the contrast can be easily mastered and controlled by you. If you are a more advanced user, you can use the manual adjustments and bypass the wizards to totally control the photo quality. Turbo Photo offers many types of enhancements, including color balance and HSB mode adjustment, noise reduction, skin beautification, rotate, crop and much more. The skin beautification mode allow you to instantly remove blemishes by simply clicking on them, soften the skin tone and more. In addition, you can add frames, insert text, batch edit and print, view slideshows and more. Turbo Photo can automatically select the best format for the file when you re done. The program supports JPG, TIFF and other formats as well as EXIF. It allows even complete newbies to create perfect pictures and provides plenty of features to satisfy even advanced users.

    关键字: Turbo Photo 数码照片管理


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