- 软件大小: 769KB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 打印工具
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 19:57:37
- 开 发 商:
note:MS-DOS based applications are designed to print on
character mode printers. Presently laser and inkjet
printers becomes much cheaper and have powerful
features, but come with connectivity to only USB ports;
which DOS applications cannot access.
DOS2USB extends the printing ability of DOS programs by
capturing MS-DOS print jobs and redirecting them to
windows printer irrespective of Printer types including
USB Printers, Network Printers, Print-Servers, and
PDF-printers. The job redirection works even if a
printer is physically connected to the captured port,
on any PC running Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP and
2003 (With Terminal Service Support).
By using DOS2USB you can print directly from DOS to USB
printer, Network Printer or any kind of printer. In
another words, DOS2USB can print to any printer where
WINDOWS can print. This utility helps to convert your
USB Printer to DOS Printer, by giving gateway to the
USB printer from DOS.
DOS2USB powered the DOS application to print on USB
Printer with native language support also.
关键字: DOS USB 特别版
- U盘加密工具(idoo USB Encryption) V5.0 特别版
- USB设备实用小工具_USBDeview For x64 v2.61 英文绿色免费版
- USBDeview v2.61 绿色免费版 可以列出当前连接到计算机上的所有USB设备
- USBDeview v2.61汉化绿色版 列出当前连接到计算机上的所有USB设备
- 系统安装到移动硬盘(WinToUSB Enterprise) v3.1多国语言官方版
- USB闪存卡数据恢复软件 IUWEshare USB Flash Drive Data Recovery v1.8.8.8 Unlimited / AdvancedPE
- 柠萌影音特别版(柠萌在线影音播放器) 7.96 绿色版
- dps数据处理系统特别版(dps数据处理软件) 7.05 绿色版