- 软件大小: 1.21MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 字体工具
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2009/2/10 17:02:56
- 开 发 商:
Font Frenzy - it's a fact that Windows fonts slow down your computer. Every font that gets installed on your PC slows down the boot-up time and slows down your normal operational speed.
Many programs that you install automatically add their own set of fonts, and very soon you can end up with a frenzy of unnecessary fonts clogging up your computer. Unless you use all of these fonts regularly, they are simply wasting your system resources.
Font Frenzy™ is a free font manager with some unique features not found in any free font program. Not only will it help you to view, install, and uninstall your fonts - it can help you "defrenzy" your whole font folder and put an end to font frustration and slow boot-up times.
Font Frenzy is free. It can be downloaded completely free of charge, and all that is required to remove the "nag" screen is a simple and free registration process.
Font Frenzy™ allows you to strip away all your excess fonts and restores your system to only the fonts that are essential to Windows®, giving you the maximum performance speed possible.
Here are some key features of "Font Frenzy":
· Save a snapshot of your fonts folder that you can use as a restore point.
· Re-install fonts quickly and easily from a previous snapshot.
· View your font list at any point-size using a customizable test phrase.
· View a sample of each font in a pop-up window including every upper- and lower-case character and numbers.
· User-friendly font manager allows you to add new fonts, delete, or unload and store selected fonts.
· View all fonts from a specified folder.
A Quick Guide to Font Frenzy's Main Features:
· DeFrenzy - Removes all fonts except those originally shipped with Windows® XP, or to a previous snapshot. You can specify a folder where all removed fonts will be stored.
· FrenzySnap - Takes a snapshot of your currently installed fonts, allowing you to later ReFrenzy back to that font configuration.
· ReFrenzy - Guides you through installing new fonts quickly and easily, from a previous snapshot.
· FrenzyMan - A font management tool that allows you to easily install, remove, and store your fonts.
· FrenzyInfo - Help file and information on how to receive a free book.
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