- 软件大小: 842KB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 计算器类
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 20:02:32
- 开 发 商:
Where does your money go? Let MoneySmart$ work it out!
MoneySmart$ is an easy-to-use financial calculator that will instantly give you the bottom line on your money. Use MoneySmart$ to calculate:
Loans - Enter Loan Amount, Interest Rate and the number of years and MoneySmart$ will tell you the monthly payment amount, the total interest you'll pay and print a complete month-by-month amortization schedule.
Time - Just enter the loan amount, the annual interest rate and how much you can pay each month and MoneySmart$ will tell you how long in months it will take you to pay off that loan.
Savings - Enter your goal savings amount, the number of years you have to reach that goal and the interest rate at which you can invest your savings, and MoneySmart$ tells you how much you need to save each month to reach that goal. Great for planning for your child's college fund or saving for a new car!
Future Value - How much can you expect to have by investing a set amount each month at a fixed interest rate in ? number of years? MoneySmart$ can tell you the future value of your monthly investments so you can plan for retirement or any other special event.
关键字: Crow River Tech MoneySmarts
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