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  • 更新时间: 2008/10/2 20:04:34
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    Billing Tracker Pro  v4.1

    Billing Tracker Pro BillingTracker Pro是一款适用于专业领域计时收费的律师、工程师、会计师、编程人员和顾问行业的计时账单和发票管理软件。使用BillingTracker可以按小时或按项目计费,记录客户付费状态,并定时提醒,可制作专业的发票,提供打印或电子邮件递送。

    BillingTracker Pro is time billing and invoicing software for service industry professionals such as lawyers, engineers, accountants, programmers,
    and consultants. Anyone who bills time and projects, and demands ease of use will enjoy BillingTracker. It allows hourly, project-rate, retainer, or even contingency invoicing, tracks outstanding client debts, has a built-in timer, and creates professional invoices to be printed or emailed.

    How It Works:
    BillingTracker includes several easy to use tools to help you manage your professional business and invoicing better. The built-in timer, for example, can rapidly switch between clients and projects. This lets you accurately record the small amounts of time that most of us end up working during the day – working on one project when another client calls for a few minutes, then an associate walks into your office to discuss a different matter, then a meeting, etc.
    The reports function lets you create a variety of reports that will let you take the pulse of your business, and show your clients what you have been doing. For example, BillingTracker Pro invoicing software will let you print a report of hours worked on a particular project between two dates, see how much money your clients owe you and what you owe your suppliers, and get an overall view of your cash flows. The list of hours you've worked can be included on the invoice, or placed on a separate report.

    BillingTracker also lets you export your data in many different ways. Not only can you export reports, but also pretty much any information that you see on any screen can be exported to standard file formats.

    BillingTracker creates professional invoices automatically, based on the projects and hours that you have entered. Choose from different formats, what information you want to include, and then either print the invoices or save them to a file that you can email.

    Once the invoice has been sent, BillingTracker starts counting the days until you get paid. It will alert if you the client does not pay on time, and keep an updated chart of who owes you what.

    关键字: Billing Tracker Pro


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