- 软件大小: 870KB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 键盘鼠标
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 20:06:03
- 开 发 商:
Hide My Windows is an easy-to-use and smart software for hiding windows and applications in your Windows environment. To start work with Hide My Windows you not need to read tons of help, just read Quick Start.
Hide My Windows designed for Office use for people under control. We knows that noone can work all days and any man and woman needs in rest. Most people playing games on workplace and it's a main reasons to be fired, no matter is it a Solitaire or action game. Using Hide My Windows you can hide game windows quickly in one key press
Another thing it's a private documents (financial for example) that you don't want to show someone behind you. It's usually necessary when employee come or at exhibitions.
You can hide group of windows by part-name filter, for example make filter "Intern" to hide all visible windows of Internet Explorer.
Instantly hide windows with a secret hotkey combination
Hide active windows with a one hotkey
Hide windows by filter list on screensaver start
Terminate objectionable applications.
Close Browsers.
Manage Browsers to be closed.
Hide, show and close applications and windows from GUI.
Restore all windows on their places
Full handle DirectX and OpenGL games locks - screen, mouse, keyboard.
Works invisibly in the background
Customizable hot keys
Show list of hidden windows
Owner process detection
Password protection
Customizable password protection window - You can disgise password protection window. You can change caption, labels and icon of this window and if your boss will see it he will think that it's a system or work window (You can find examples in page: How to mask Password Protection Window).
Automatical icon extraction from host process
Autostart with Windows
Mute sound on hide
关键字: Hide Windows
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