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  • 更新时间: 2018/4/3 12:23:12
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    PS3模拟器提升帧数工具(PS3模拟器RPCS3 SPU性能提升补丁)

    PS3模拟器提升帧数工具(PS3模拟器RPCS3 SPU性能提升补丁)是由“Farseer2”制作的一个补丁。改进中的SPU补丁,实测p5可以提升50%的帧率。实际效果会因为游戏不同而不同,可以下载体验!


    几天前,github用户 Farseer2 发布了一个改进中的 SPU补丁https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/pull/4108


    截至今日已经发送累积 6个Commit,



    WIP for stability reasons

    This PR includes some optimizations, mostly to the SPU, being the current bottleneck of the emulator:

    vm::waiters are removed lazily if a lock can't be achieved at the moment of destruction to prevent the threads from locking up too much

    Rewrote some heavily used stub so the compiled assembly would be faster (Best example would be try_pop)

    Added fast path to try_lock

    Code invalidation is only checked if a SYNC instruction was executed

    SPU function DB is only searched once (instead of twice). It almost never caught a new function, yet it added quite the long search

    Aggressive inlining of some function. While considered bad practice, the compiler didn't do it by itself, and, at worse, the epilogue and prologue of the function took 0.9% runtime while the function itself took 0.1%

    Releasing locks earlier when processing mfc commands should reduce the time SPU threads are waiting on locks.

    DMA's are now done by a REP MOVSQ, which, at least on Ivy Bridge processors, is faster (Maybe because of the instruction cache having an easier time, idk)

    Probably some other stuff I forgot

    So, now for the bad parts:

    Performance gains may vary - while some reported almost double the FPS, some reported no change at all. Can't think of a reason for that yet.

    Some parts were written before kd11 explained some of the SPU stuff to me, so take them with a grain of salt, might affect stability, so if you can, please test and report crashes and the likes.

    As TSX has a different flow in some of the edited areas, I couldn't really test it

    热心玩家phorcys把 Farseer2 大神提供的补丁,合并到了 Nekotekena大神的 llvm6 分支,并进行了测试,

    仅测试了P5, E3 v2 标题画面,帧率 20 => 30

    I7 7700 标题画面 帧率 35=>56 (使用帧率解锁补丁)

    改名运行或者覆盖到最新的 rpcs3目录下运行

    运行前清一下 llvm cache ( 右键游戏,选Delete LLVM Cache)




    崩溃跑不了的等大神后续更新吧,或者忍耐到 这个patch合并到主干!

    最近又有一些更新,nekotekina更新SPU线程的部分严格检查代码,合并到spuperf以后,会因为严格执行的原因,损失 10%的帧率。提前合并了kd11的一个图像pull #4335 , 会修复很多游戏图像。虽然少了点帧率还是更新一个。p5专用的就别下了。

    关键字: 模拟器 提升 工具 RPCS 性能 补丁


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