
  • 软件大小: 1.60MB
  • 软件语言: 英文
  • 软件类别: 国外软件 | 网络监测
  • 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
  • 授权方式: 特别版
  • 软件等级:
  • 更新时间: 2008/12/18 7:39:23
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    note:Why is Digi-Watcher a better solution than other webcam software or video surveillance software in the market? Here are the reasons:

    Watcher is the only webcam software that combines four features seamlessly: recording, motion monitoring, remote video surveillance and webcam broadcasting!
    Lots of other webcam software only capture images at certain interval, while Watcher software captures true video clips up to 640x480 frame size, and you can even enable audio capturing!

    The events are completely logged, from the very beginning of or even seconds before the motion detection. A lot of surveillance software only start logging after motion is detected,  therefore fail to log down the triggering event that happens in the first few seconds.

    The video log files produced by Watcher are well compressed to much less than 1% of its original size, and yet, the quality is guaranteed!

    You can access the video log files remotely, and be informed any event happened at your home instantly without having to rush home. The list of video log files can be viewed with preview images.

    The advanced motion detection algorithm allows you to set sensitivity, duration of capturing and a lot of other options.

    Watcher provides a comprehensive list of alert functions for your home security, such as ftp upload alert, email alert. It can also be configured to either dial a phone or to deter the intruder by playing a wave file when a motion is detected or to launch an application of your choice!

    The RemoteView software will enable you to do remote video surveillance by connecting to Watcher. That is, you can view real time streamed video/audio from your web cam whenever you want and wherever you are through a phone line or internet.

    RemoteView can even save the streamed video into its local hard disk.

    Watcher has the broadcasting capability, where you can broadcast the images captured from your camera on to the internet. Moreover, broadcasting can be performed simultaneously with monitoring.

    Both Watcher and RemoteView can operate in a hidden mode with password protection. Watcher can even operate in stealth mode, i.e., totally invisible.

    Our webcam software Watcher can easily be configured as an inexpensive multi-cam solution.

    Watcher has auto-start options, and it can automatically start recording, monitoring, listening or broadcasting.

    You can schedule Watcher to run at your desired time for desired duration, using the comprehensive Watcher Scheduler.

    Watcher can run as an NT Service.

    Last but not least, our webcam security software is extremely easy to use and stable. It has a nice and neat yet comprehensive user interface, which satisfies all your video surveillance needs.

    关键字: Watcher


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