- 软件大小: 5.01MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 文件更名
- 运行环境: Win9x/2000/XP/2003
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2010/8/17 6:16:51
- 开 发 商:
PFrank is an acronym for Peter's Flexible RenamiNg Kit. This is a Freeware bulk file renaming program that runs under Windows. With this tool you can easily organize your music files, picture files, or any other types of files. PFrank comes equipped with many features, some of which you won't find on any other renaming program. The beauty of this tool is it's flexibility. You can easily build any renaming command sequence you like, preview all of the results, press the rename button, and you're done.
关键字: Pfrank 命名
- 文件或者目录重命名工具(Rename Expert) V5.10.0 绿色中文版
- 三国志13武将头像命名辅助工具 v4.2版
- Advanced Renamer(重新命名任意数量文件或文件夹工具) v3.72多国语言绿色版
- 文件/文件夹批量重命名工具 Flash Renamer v6.8 特别版
- 三国志13头像命名辅助工具_三国志13登陆武将头像命名辅助工具 v1.0 免费版
- Word/Excel重新命名小助手(文件名重新命名软件)绿色版
- 照片文件管理助手(图片批量重命名软件) 0.0.3 绿色版
- 文件批量重命名工具(Professional Renamer) v3.76 绿色特别版