- 软件大小: 8.64MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 旅游餐饮
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 20:23:58
- 开 发 商:
The hotel booking system includes a booking calendar. This calendar is useful to plan bookings ahead of time. The calendar has an infinite time view, making it possible to book rooms ahead for a week, month or even next year. Booked cells appear in different colour bands depending on the booking status. Yellow means that the booking is uncommitted. Green means that the booking is confirmed and red means that those rooms on selected dates are unavailable.
Name:www.piaodown.com Serial:79WXQ14JW2EMLJUK
关键字: Hotel Booking System 英文正式版
- 系统维护大师(System Mechanic) v16.0.0.464 特别版
- 监视系统运行状况小工具(system monitor ii) V22.8绿色免费版
- 电脑系统优化软件(Advanced SystemCare Ultimate) v9.1.0.710 Final 旗舰版
- System Ninja(系统垃圾清理) V3.1.4.1绿色版
- Advanced SystemCare pro v7.4.0.474 便携版 查找系统性能瓶颈
- Advanced SystemCare Pro(系统优化工具) v9.3.0.1120 特别版
- PGWare SystemSwift(系统加速软件) v2.5.9.2016 特别版 系统加速工具
- System Explorer(显示运行的应用程序,进程和启动项等) V7.1.0多国语言绿色版