- 软件大小: 928KB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 密码破解
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 20:52:42
- 开 发 商:
* MS-Word (*.DOC), Office 97-2003.
* MS-Excel (*.XLS), Office 97-2003.
* ZIP(PKZIP, WinZip等等)
* ARJ(ARJ, WinArj等等)
The Ultimate ZIP Cracker is designed for recovering lost passwords from many popular file types:
MS-Word documents (*.DOC), Office 97-2003.
MS-Excel documents (*.XLS), Office 97-2003.
ZIP archives created by PKZIP, WinZip or by any compatible software.
ARJ archives created by ARJ, WinArj or by any compatible software.
The program offers the following search methods:
Password Wizard provides easy step-by-step password recovery.
Brute Force Attack will test all possible passwords.
Smart Search will test all "pronounceable" passwords.
Dictionary Search can use a built-in or external dictionary.
Date search will apply more than 5,000 date formats to a given date range.
Customized search will use your own search template.
Guaranteed decryption method will decrypt your .DOC or .XLS file regardless of password used. Extraordinarily fast on Pentium 4, takes only few days to decrypt!
Plaintext attack will decrypt your whole encrypted .ZIP file if you have another unencrypted ZIP file (called plaintext file), which contains at least one file from the encrypted archive.
关键字: Ultimate ZIP Cracker 特别版
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- ACDSee看图软件旗舰版 ACDSee Ultimate v9.3.673汉化精简版
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