- 软件大小: 714KB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 加密工具
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 20:54:31
- 开 发 商:
CloudPHP is a PHP obfuscation utility designed from the ground up to be easy to use while still being powerful enough to protect your intellectual properties. CloudPHP uses the power of obfuscation to conceal the real contents of your source code; it transforms easily readable code into very hard to read and almost impossible to follow code to frusterate would be source code thieves. While no method is foolproof when it comes to protection, CloudPHP does its very best to obscure your original source code and unlike byte code compilers, it requires no server side installs for your customers to use your product. Additionally, most PHP obfuscators force their users into a coding standard defined by the obfuscator for them to work properly; CloudPHP was design to avoid that as much as possible and work with any existing code with little to no modification.
- Obfuscation of variables, functions, classes, variable calls through classes and function calls through classes.
- Removes whitespace, line breaks, multi-line and single line comments.
- Exclusion list for variable and functions; exclusion list comes with standard variables already excluded.
- Custom string obfuscation to facilitate the ability to custom define strings and their intended conversion type (*Variable, Function, Class); this allows you to help CloudPHP work with custom coding methods without the user having to rewrite their own source code.
- Quick update system; allows you to check for updates at a moments notice and quickly patch your current install with the latest features and bug fixes as they are released.
Please remember that due to the various coding styles out there CloudPHP might appear to not obfuscate every part of your code; if this happens, contact support slavelaborsoftware.com right away with the part that was missed and well explain why it was missed and how to configure CloudPHP so that it doesnt miss it in the future. However, if its a bug you found that caused it to miss a segment of code, that bug will be fixed ASAP and an update will be released immediately to get you back on track. Please understand that because CloudPHP tries to be perfectly universal while not imposing coding standards on you, it is possible for things to get missed during obfuscation simply due to the massive amount of possibilities it has to attempt to predict.
关键字: SlaveLaborSoftware CloudPHP