- 软件大小: 1.09MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 系统安全
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 20:54:51
- 开 发 商:
Keystroke Spy is a cost-effective monitoring solution that allows you to easily, and efficiently log what your computer users are doing. Keystroke Spy is a powerful tool that can log every keystroke users type. Keystroke Spy can run in total stealth, email you when specific keywords are typed, and can even be set to only log keystrokes typed in specific applications.
# Logs all Keystrokes Typed
# Logs Website Visits
# Logs Applications Opened and Closed
# Logs Chat Messages Sent
# Logs Email Sent
# Logs Passwords
# Logs Typed Documents
# Sends Activity Logs via Email
# Encrypted Keystroke Logs
# Can Log Specific Applications
# Typed Keyword Alerts
# Powerful Graphical Interface
# Disables Spyware Detectors
关键字: Spytech Keystroke Spy
- 音乐间谍Music Spy(百度音乐无损下载) v3.3 正式版_无损音乐下载软件
- 免费摄像头录像软件 iSpy V6.5.3.0多语言官方版
- win10升级屏蔽工具(Win10 Spy Disabler 屏蔽win10升级软件) 1.2 绿色版
- ROOT文件管理器 ROOT间谍Root Spy v1.0.0 汉化版
- SpyHunter(木马病毒查杀工具) v4.20.9.4533 特别版
- ILSpy(对话框、菜单和提示均已中文化) V2.3.0.0绿色版
- 删除Win10跟踪服务工具(Remove Windows 10 Spying Features) v1.2.0000 绿色版
- Win10系统隐私设置工具(DoNotSpy10) v1.0.0.1绿色版