- 软件大小: 434KB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 浏览安全
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 20:57:02
- 开 发 商:
Anonymity Shield is an easy to use toolbar for protecting online anonymity. It conceals your IP address by routing your traffic through foreign proxies. A proxy server is a kind of buffer between your computer and the Internet resources you are accessing. The data you request come to the proxy first, and only then it transmits the data to you. As a result, the websites see the IP address of the proxy server instead of your own IP address. Choose one proxy from the dropdown list and click the enable button and you are anonymous online. All proxies allow dynamic internet browsing, posting messages on various forums or voting.
关键字: Anonymity Shield
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