- 软件大小: 34KB
- 软件语言: 简体中文
- 软件类别: 汉化补丁 | 加密解密
- 运行环境: Xp/Vista/Win7/Win8/WinAll
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2016/8/1 7:21:50
- 开 发 商:
LSASecretsView is a small utility that displays the list of all LSA secrets stored in the Registry on your computer.
The LSA secrets key is located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESecurityPolicySecrets and may contain your RAS/VPN passwords, Autologon password and other system passwords/keys.
LSASecretsView doesn't require any additional DLLs or installation process. Just copy the executable file (LSASecretsView.exe) to any folder you like, and run it.
The main window of LSASecretsView contains 2 panes: The upper pane displays the list of all LSA secret entries. When you select one or more items in the upper pane, the lower pane displays the LSA data of the selected items, in Hex and Ascii formats.
关键字: LSASecretsView