- 软件大小: 36.10MB
- 软件语言: 简体中文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 病毒防治
- 运行环境: Win9x/2000/XP/2003
- 授权方式: 特别版
- 更新时间: 2009/11/26 6:35:44
- 开 发 商:
Avast是捷克一家软件公司(ALWIL Software)的产品。ALWIL软件公司的研发机构在捷克的首都-布拉格,现在他们和世界上许多国家的安全软件机构都有良好的合作关系。早在80年代末ALWIL公司的安全软件已经获得良好的市场占有率,但当时仅限于捷克地区。ALMIL公司是擅长于安全软件方面的研发,开发的Avast Antivirus系列是他们的拳头产品,Avast在许多重要的市场和权威评奖中都取得了骄人的成绩,同样在此后进军国际市场上也赢得了良好的增长率。
(1)高侦测的反病毒表现,多次获得过ICSA和Virus Bulletin 100%认证,启发式强大。
(5)支持MS OUTLOOK外挂,智能型邮件帐号分析。
avast! Professional Edition is a complete ICSA certified antivirus package for small office home office use - SOHO.
avast! obtained VB100% award in June 2002 Virus Bulletin comparative review under Windows XP Pro and in November 2002 issue under Windows 2000 Advanced Server.
Protect your system and valuable data against computer viruses with Avast! Professional Edition.
avast! Professional Edition includes the following components:
- On Demand Scanner - with two user interfaces:
- Skinnable Simple Interface - just select what do you want to scan in which way and press the Play button.
- Enhanced User Interface - Outlook like UI allows user to set any feature of avast!, prepare and run tasks, store and check task's results.
- On Access Scanner - resident scanning of all files being opened, read and written and behavior blocker monitoring dangerous actions of viruses or even users them self.
- E-mail scanner easily integrates with most mail clients and it checks both incoming and outgoing mails, it provides heuristic analysis of mail content to protect against new Worms.
- Script Blocker - checks all scripts running under Windows Scripting Host and Web browsers.
- Boot Time Scanner - scans disks in the same way and in the same time as Windows CHKDSK does (on NT/2000/XP only).
- Explorer Scanner - right click on the object allows you to scan it.
- Screen Saver scanner - integrates with your Screen Saver to scan PC during your coffee breaks.
- Virus Chest - safety isolated folder to store infected, suspicious and even some system files - to restore them.
Our true incremental updates are based on iAVS technology and they are available for virus definition file update and for program upgrade.
You can download and install updates by simple clicking on the iAVS icon, it can be checked and done automatically when you are On-line, and by our exclusive PUSH technology.
The update files of size under 100 KB are available at least twice a week and within couple of hours in the case of emergency of new virus. They are automatically downloaded and installed.
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关键字: avast Professional Edition 简体中文特别版
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