- 软件大小: 11.21MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 数据库类
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 21:08:26
- 开 发 商:
FoxPro2MSSQL Sync is a reliable bi-directional database migration tool
which allows you to synchronize and convert from:
-MS Visual FoxPro to MSSQL
-MS Visual FoxPro to MS Visual FoxPro
-MSSQL to MS Visual FoxPro
Synchronize and convert databases from MS Visual FoxPro to MS SQL or from
MS SQL to MS Visual FoxPro rapidly and reliably! Operate with a whole database
or select only needed tables, fields, indexes and foreign keys to proceed!
Reach the desired result by simple configuring of several options through
Wizard interface or in command line mode! FoxPro2MSSQL Sync is also applicable
for MS SQL database synchronization and migration to another MS SQL database
or to another MS SQL Server. Moreover, FoxPro2MSSQL Sync is quite well for
copying and synchronizing MS Visual FoxPro database and MS Visual FoxPro
separate tables with another MS Visual FoxPro database.
Name: Liane Rehberg
E-Mail: derneger@1kiss.eu
关键字: FoxPro MSSQL Sync
- FreeFileSync v8.4 免费版 文件夹比较和同步工具
- SyncBackPro(文件备份同步工具) v7.6.28.0 特别版
- 2K16官方名单_NBA2K16最新官方名单SYNC档[09.26]
- 数据自动同步备份工具(Syncovery Pro) v7.18f.130 特别版
- 安卓手机数据传输工具 Anvsoft SynciOS Data Transfer V1.2.0 特别版
- 智能校准手机时间安卓版 Smart Time Sync Pro v1.57 汉化版
- Syncfusion.Core.dll下载_修复系统Syncfusion.Core.dll文件
- DSynchronize(文件实时同步软件) v2.30.8绿色版