- 软件大小: 3.17MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 安装制作
- 运行环境: Win9x/XP/2003/Vista/Win7
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2011/1/4 13:27:02
- 开 发 商:
A FREE and easy to use program installer for developers to use with their programs
SSE Setup - If you are looking for a no-nonsense installation/uninstallation program, this is it!
The SSE Setup program is a FREE, fullly customizable multi-language aware installation and uninstallation program for program developers to use for distribution with their own programs.
SSE Setup can copy files, register DLL's/OCX's, create/set/delete registry entries both on installation and uninstallation, create any number of links to any number of locations, etc. It can also control upgrading from one version of your program to the next!
It shines in that it is Simple, Smart, and Easy. It allows you to create a good looking installer for your program in literally minutes. Its philosophy is very different from virtually every other installer out there.
Unlike other programs, it doesn't use a complicated scripting language and nor does it use some awkward GUI program to get your settings. Its total approach is unique because from the beginning it was designed to allow you to turn out a powerful, good looking installer in a short amount of time. Oh, and it was also designed with the end-user in mind. Your program can literally be installed by an end-user with only a few clicks - it is very simple for them as well.
Here are some key features of "SSE Setup":
· Easy to use , requires only simple editing of 1 file in any text editor to make it work! No fumbling with GUI programs trying to set your settings! And it's not some complicated scripting language, either!
· The ability to create and put links (shortcuts) to the start menu, desktop, startup folders, and even any number of other folders using special folder codes.
· Automatic removal of all files installed with the setup program when the uninstall program is run. In addition, you can set other files and folders you want the uninstall program to remove if it finds them.
· Automatic DLL/OCX registration/unregistration of files copied to the system folder (will not overwrite a newer version of the same DLL).
· The ability to create and delete registry keys, and create, set, and delete registry values upon installation OR uninstallation.
· Automatic built-in multi-language support (though this can be disabled) for 11 major languages. No extra .DLL's, no extra ANYTHING required on your part!
· The ability to show a full license agreement that must be agreed to and even have a different license for each of the 11 built in languages.
· Automatic placement of your program's uninstall entry in the Add/Remove programs interface.
· Works reliably with all 32-bit versions of Windows from Windows 95B (OSR 2.0) on and with a Pentium 100mhz or faster! (likely work with orig Win95 as well)
· The ability to allow both upgrade and patch support for your programs! Automatically can detect previous versions of your program and can either patch them or upgrade to a new version.
· Multiple GUI looks including 2 built-in wizard interfaces and 1 classic "old school" interface. The interfaces are customizable.
· Super easy for the end-user. A clean, simple, and recognizable design layout make for a great end-user experience.
· The ability to run external programs during installation and/or uninstallation. If you need to gather additional information or settings from the user or run other installation programs, you can do so easily. You can even actually CALL SSE Setup from within your own .EXE file which might be useful for certain types of installations.
· Easy packaging of your installation into a .ZIP, Self-extacting .EXE (which will automatically run Setup.exe after extraction), or for CD/DVD burning.
· No intermediate unpacking of files to temp location - SSE Setup copies files direct which generally leads to a quicker installation!
· Can replace "in use" system files and automatically determines if a reboot is necessary
· Optional fade-in welcome screen, automatic detailed LOG file generation, ability to limit install to only certain OS's, and much much more!
关键字: Setup 制作 安装 卸载
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