
  • 软件大小: 1.12MB
  • 软件语言: 英文
  • 软件类别: 国外软件 | 网络辅助
  • 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003
  • 授权方式: 免费版
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  • 更新时间: 2008/10/2 17:56:44
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    Ksoft G-Zapper  v2.02

    Ksoft G-Zapper G-Zapper使你在浏览google网站时保持匿名状态。Google会在电脑的cookie中留下特定的标识符,记录搜索的关键词,G-Zapper能读取Google的cookie,显示它安装的日期,确定被记录了多长时间,并可删除或完全阻挡它再次安装。

    G-Zapper helps you stay anonymous while searching Google.

    G-Zapper is compatible with Windows 95,98,ME,NT,2000,XP,Vista. G-Zapper requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5,6,7 or Mozilla Firefox 1.5,2.0. Compatible with Gmail, Adsense, and other Google services.

    Did you know that Google stores a unique identifier in a cookie on your PC, which allows them to track the keywords you search for? They use this information to compile reports, track user habits, and test features. In the future, it is possible they could even sell this information or share it with
    others. Even worse, Google's cookie isn't set to expire until the year 2038, unless you delete it first.

    G-Zapper helps protect your identity and search history. G-Zapper will read the Google cookie installed on your PC, display the date it was installed, determine how long your searches have been tracked, and display your Google searches. G-Zapper allows you to automatically delete or entirely block the Google search cookie from future installation.

    关键字: Ksoft Zapper


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