软件大小: 4.09MB
软件语言: 英文
软件类别:国外软件 / 免费版 /
Jasob Jasob为一款对网页JAVA脚本源程序进行加密的软件, 它能在不影响你网站功能的前提下使源程晦涩难懂.
JavaScript is scripting programming language used in millions of Web pages worldwide. Scripting ...
Jasob Jasob为一款对网页JAVA脚本源程序进行加密的软件, 它能在不影响你网站功能的前提下使源程晦涩难懂.
JavaScript is scripting programming language used in millions of Web pages worldwide. Scripting languages are not compiled, so JavaScript source code has to be downloaded together with the Web page in order to be run by the Web browser. This has several drawbacks and the most important one is that JavaScript source code can be easily viewed by anyone. All it takes is to open the Web page in the Web browser and to choose option View Source. This means that anyone can steal your JavaScript code, modify it and reuse it for his own purposes.