- 软件大小: 1.56MB
- 软件语言: 简体中文
- 软件类别: 汉化补丁 | IP 工具
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/11/11 5:19:05
- 开 发 商:
NetInfo is a network toolkit that includes 15 standard networking tools to help diagnose network problems and gather information about users, hosts and networks on the Internet or on your Intranet. They include Local Info, NetStat, Ping, Traceroute, Whois, Finger, Whois, Daytime, Time, Quote, HTML, Port Scanner and E-mail verification. The registered version of NetInfo also provides access to a WebCenter, which allows you to perform many of the functions from an online server that is outside your local network.
关键字: NetInfo Build 汉化绿色版