- 软件大小: 6.43MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 网页制作
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/6 7:19:05
- 开 发 商:
Make your website look professional using the included templates
and over 100 royalty-free graphics and photos!
The Aurora Web Editor is 2 Editors in 1!
The Visual Editor: Create websites quickly and easily - just like
when you use a word processor! Unlike some other Web site
creation software, you don't need to learn to code HTML! The
visual editing environment (WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You
Get) displays your website the way it will look once online.
Adding text, pictures and links is a breeze. You can even drag
items around the screen to resize and position them exactly how
you want.
The Code Editor: For those Web developers who prefer to code
webpages manually, the Aurora Web Editor offers a rich HTML
coding environment.
name: Twisted EndZ
code: 4804-3026-1913-6384
关键字: Aurora Web Editor Professional
- 微羽个人网站服务器(微羽Web服务器软件) 0.2.8官方版
- EmEditor Pro(文本编辑器) v16.1.0.7 中文绿色便携版
- TIFF编辑器 Advanced TIFF Editor v3.8.4.9 免费版
- 数据恢复软件 Data Rescue Professional v3.8.0.300 免费版
- EmEditor Professional V16.1.0 64Bit_汉化绿色特别版 强大的编辑工具
- EmEditor Professional(文本编辑器) v16.1.0 32Bit 绿色版
- Small Editor(文本编辑工具) 2016.11 特别版
- 显示程序联网信息 X-NetStat Professional v5.62 特别版