- 软件大小: 13.50MB
- 软件语言: 简体中文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 图像其它
- 运行环境: Win9x/2000/XP/2003/Vista
- 授权方式: 特别版
- 更新时间: 2009/5/25 20:27:53
- 开 发 商:
PM4照片十字绣软件Pattern Maker for cross stitch V4 完美汉化版 一个老外的十字绣设计软件,效果比pcstitch好得多,甚至比pcstitch pro还好,像素解析非常细腻,并且该软件已经被汉化破解。 十字绣软件中文名称 十字绣模范制造者
十字绣软件英文名称 Pattern Maker for cross stitch -V4 简称PM4
适合操作系统Windows® 95/98/Me Windows® XP Windows® NT/2000
Installation Directions:
Click on a link below to begin the file transfer.
If your browser asks you whether it should open the file after it is downloaded, select yes. Otherwise, select a location on your hard disk for the file.
After the download is complete, either allow the browser to automatically open the downloaded file or manually run it by double-clicking it using the Windows® File Explorer.
The setup program will then be started.
Please follow the setup program directions to complete the installation.
To run, select Start, Programs, Pattern Maker for cross stitch - v4, and then click the Pattern Maker item.
Select Start the 4-day Trial Period when the Licensing Wizard of the program appears
关键字: Pattern Maker for cross stitch 照片十字绣软件 完美汉化版
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