- 软件大小: 2.20MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 天文地理
- 运行环境: Win9x/2000/XP/2003/Vista
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2010/9/26 7:05:02
- 开 发 商:
Alan Map 500 Waypoints and Routes (*.wpr)
Alan Map 500 Tracklog (*.trl)
Auto Onroute/Promotor Onroute (*.bcr)
CoPilot 6 (*.trp)
Falk Navigator (*.tour)
Garmin MapSource 5.x (*.mps)
Garmin MapSource 6.x (*.gdb)
Garmin PCX5 (*.wpt)
Garmin POI (*.gpi)
Garmin POI Database (*.xcsv)
Geocaching.com/EasyGPS (*.loc)
Glopus (*.tk)
Google Earth 3, 4 and 4.2 incl. Network Links (*.kml and *.kmz)
Google Maps URL
GoPal Route (*.xml)
GoPal Track (*.trk)
GPS Tuner (*.trk)
GPX XML 1.0 (*.gpx)
GPX XML 1.1 with Garmin Extensions (*.gpx)
National Geographic Topo 3 to 4 (.tpo)
Navigating POI-Warner (*.asc)
Navigon Mobile Navigator 4 to 6 (*.rte)
Navigon Mobile Navigator 6 Favorites (*.storage)
Magellan Explorist (*.log)
Magellan MapSend (*.wpt)
MagicMaps Project (*.ikt)
MagicMaps Tour (*.pth)
Map&Guide Tourenplaner (*.bcr)
Microsoft AutoRoute 2002 to 2006 (*.axe)
NMEA 0183 Sentences (*.nmea)
Route 66 POI (*.csv)
TomTom Route (*.itn)
TomTom POI (*.ov2)
Top50 OVL ASC/GeoGrid Viewer (*.ovl)
Tour Exchange Format (*.tef)
ViaMichelin (*.xvm)
关键字: gps数据 数据处理