- 软件大小: 1.82MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 卸载清除
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 18:22:31
- 开 发 商:
特性:通过通配符搜索;搜寻临时文件和临时目录;清除“Temporary Internet Files”等临时目录里的临时文件;支持命令行操作;多语言的界面等等。
This is a utility designed to clean a hard drive of various
informational trash having no importance, which simply clutters the
disks. Using this software, you can search for and delete temporary
system files and folders from the system (as well as files left over
from other applications), search for and delete incorrect shortcuts
(which refer to non-existent files and folders), uninstall software,
delete unneeded cookies, and find file duplicates.The software also
helps you work with user files: detect and delete old backup copies
and documents, perform searches for file duplicates using different
parameters, and then detect and delete unnecessary files.
关键字: SBMAV Disk Cleaner 特别版
- Wise Registry Cleaner Free V9.22 绿色免费版 可以清理垃圾空间
- Rohos Disk Encryption v2.3 免费版 将文件夹虚拟为磁盘并进行加密
- DiskDigger v1.9.8.1789 免费版 误删除文件恢复工具
- 已删除丢失的磁盘分区恢复软件 IUWEshare Disk Partition Recovery Wizard v1.8.8.8 Unlimited / AdvancedPE
- 柠萌影音特别版(柠萌在线影音播放器) 7.96 绿色版
- dps数据处理系统特别版(dps数据处理软件) 7.05 绿色版
- ROOT清理器安卓版(Root Cleaner) v6.1.0 汉化版
- 影子卫士特别版 v1.4.0.629 简体中文特别版 Roustar31