- 软件大小: 127.36MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 数据备份
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 特别版
- 更新时间: 2009/4/2 8:35:05
- 开 发 商:
Acronis True Image Home 提供您一个解决方案,两个备份选择:
1) 我们原来的磁碟影像备份选择让您建立整个硬碟驱动器的影像,包含操作系统,应用程式,用户设定,和所有资料。 不需重新安装就使用影像还原您的电脑到已知的工作状态。
2) 一个新的档案层次的备份选择让您备份和还原个别档案与资料夹,像我的资料夹或一个特别的档案,如您最新的税表。 精灵帮助您走完所有步骤。
Acronis True Image 10.0 透过独有的、新的Acronis Snap Restore 特色,使您系统的还原更快。 它还提供几个额外的增加。
特有的Acronis Snap Restore — 闪电般速度地自影像还原您的电脑。 您可以几秒种内开始工作,而您的系统仍在继续还原。
特有的 Acronis Snap Restore — 闪电般速度地自影像还原您的电脑。 您可以几秒种内开始工作,而您的系统仍在继续还原。
排除档案 — 建立备份时只备份您要的几种档案,以节省空间
差别备份— 减低您管理的备份数目。 差别备份记录自您上次完全备份后的更改
扩充的Acronis Drive Snapshot 技术— 我们扩充了不重新启动的特色,包含了备份特定的档案和资料夹。 我们甚至可以备份系统档案和打开的档案,都没有问题。 不管您选择哪个, 您都可以在备份时继续用您的电脑。
视窗系统还原管理精灵 — 如果您运行Acronis True Image 10.0 通常来说,您操作系统里的这个特色是多余的。 解除这个您操作系统里的默认值功能可以释放到您硬碟驱动器的10%Acronis True Image 10.0。
Acronis True Image 9.1 Workstation
The complete disk imaging, system disk backup, and bare-metal restore solution for workstations.
Acronis True Image Workstation provides your business with the most comprehensive, reliable, and cost-effective workstation protection. You can 1) backup an entire hard disk, including all the computer data, the operating system, and applications and 2) backup key files and folders on a system. With support for both 64-bit Windows and 32-bit Windows, you can rest assured that both old and new systems are protected.
After a system crash Acronis True Image Workstation allows you to perform a full system restore, a bare-metal restore or just a restore of individual files and folders in minutes. Complete system restoration can be performed to an existing system, to a new system with different hardware or to a virtual machine.
The Acronis True Image Workstation includes a number of components that offer great flexibility for corporate IT departments; the Management Console, the Backup Server, and the Group Server. These components allow you to completely manage all backup and restoration tasks including product installation, backup, recovery, optimization of storage resources, and a view of the status of remote systems throughout your network, increasing your IT department's productivity and reducing costs.
Better yet, the product offers a number features that enable users on the road a way to recover their systems and get back to work from their local system immediately! The Acronis Secure Zone?is a special, hidden partition, separated from the operating system where local images can be stored. It can be used with the Acronis Recovery Manager? a featurethat allows users to initiate recovery by selecting the F11 key. Moreover, users have option of
selecting Acronis Snap Restore?during recovery allowing the system to be used immediately. All three features allow a user on the road to immediately resume work with no network connection and no bootable media ?the ultimate self-service!
Based on the exclusive Acronis Drive Snapshot disk imaging technology, an IT administrator can backup and protect live, in-use systems with no end-user disruption ensuring business continuity.
关键字: Acronis True Image Home
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