- 软件大小: 8.25MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 磁盘工具
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 18:27:24
- 开 发 商:
Back up your data to any kind of destination device: hard disk, external USB hard disk, writable CD-DVD or net
X-Backup is a powerful, versatile and easy to use backup software.
Based on ours Backup2005 Pro and Backup-2006 Studio, X-Backup allows you to define a strong backup strategy.With X-Backup you can back up your data to any kind of destination device : hard disk, external USB hard disk, writable CD-DVD or network drive.
X-Backup is able to upload your archive files to a FTP or HTTP server.The backup definition is set up through a wizard. Definition can be saved as a standard profile to be reused later for another backup definition.
Options are limited to the essential but include the ability to encrypt backup with a 256 bits AES encryption key.A retention period helps you to manage archive files and remove automatically all out of date files
X-Backup is built in verify function. X-Backup open file function can open any archive file including external archive files (zip file compatible) and restore any file to the original destination or to a selected one.
A search function lets you to locate any file or group of files in archive file.X-Backup can be used as well in professional environment as for home computing.
关键字: Backup
- 钛备份专业版(Titanium Backup) v7.4.0.2特别版
- FBackup(自动备份重要数据) V6.1.188 多国语言官方安装版
- 安卓应用备份还原工具 App Backup Restore Pro v4.1.8 汉化版
- 数据自动备份工具(Iperius Backup) v4.5.4 特别版
- iphone备份恢复工具(Coolmuster iPhone Backup Extractor) v2.1.30 中文版
- 手机联系人备份app My Contacts Backup v2.0.7 汉化版
- 系统一键备份软件(SuperEasy 1-Click Backup) v1.18 免费版
- 数据备份工具(Safe Data Backup) V5 特别版