- 软件大小: 21.79MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 开关定时
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 18:28:46
- 开 发 商:
AutoMate is the Leading Software for Automation of front and back-office business processes.
It provides all the tools necessary to completely automate business processes, regardless of their complexity.
Tasks are developed via drag-and-drop without writing code. Simply drag together each action object in the sequence it should be executed.
AutoMate enables IT Professionals to build tasks that automate a wide variety of network and computing operations, such as:
* automated FTP file transfers
* job scheduling
* event log monitoring
* application testing
* data or file replication
* self healing systems
* batch data processing
* SQL database transaction
关键字: AutoMate Enterprise Edition
- 制作字体(TTF)程序 High-Logic FontCreator Professional Edition v10.0.0.2125 免费版
- 系统重装工具 WinToHDD Enterprise v2.1 特别版
- 软件汉化工具Sisulizer 4 Enterprise 4.0 Build 361 中文企业版
- 自动运行菜单制作工具(Longtion Software AutoRun Pro Enterprise II) v6.0.6.162 特别版
- AIDA64 Extreme Edition(测试软硬件系统信息工具) v5.75 绿色特别版
- SiteMonitor Enterprise(网站监测和分析工具) v3.73 企业注册版
- 离线浏览工具(MetaProducts Offline Explorer Enterprise) v7.1.4484 SR2 特别版
- 远程桌面控制 Teamviewer Enterprise v11.0.59518 绿色企业特别版