- 软件大小: 743KB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 桌面工具
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 18:32:33
- 开 发 商:
Any time you or somebody else is using the computer, icons on the desktop can get rearranged or deleted, wallpaper changed and many other unpleasant surprises happened. Your desktop is like your toolbox, you know each icon's place and meaning. When they get rearranged or even deleted, this can be very annoying. This is even truer on computers that have public access or generally, more than one person is sharing them. To eliminate this problem completely, we designed 1st Desktop Guard - a program that will keep all your icons and wallpapers intact and always operational. It will even allow you to save multiple position and configuration info for the icons, so different people can restore it later.
关键字: Desktop Guard
- 桌面图标布局保存工具_DesktopOK x64位版 V4.36绿色免费版
- DesktopOK V4.36 绿色版 保存和恢复您的桌面上的图标
- 微软远程桌面安卓版(Microsoft Remote Desktop) v8.1.36.125 汉化版
- DesktopSnowOK(桌面添加雪花效果软件) V3.03绿色版
- 文件加密软件 SensiGuard v3.6 免费版
- 桌面图标自动隐藏工具AutoHideDesktopIcons V2.78绿色版
- 动态桌面壁纸制作软件 DesktopPaints Animated Wallpaper Maker v4.2.4 特别版
- 窗口永远在最上面工具(Actual Window Guard) v8.5.3 中文版