- 软件大小: 206KB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 桌面工具
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 18:35:02
- 开 发 商:
At computer startup a list of all events scheduled for reminding will be displayed on screen.
After you have viewed the list of events to remember for this day and after clicking the close button or pressing the space bar or the cancel key, the software will remove itself from memory preserving system ressources. It will not run again, unless the computer is rebooted or it is started manually. If your computer stays on all the time you can add M-Minder to Windows' Scheduled Tasks list to have it run once each day.
关键字: Minder 绿色版