- 软件大小: 16.80MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 剪贴工具
- 运行环境: Xp/Vista/Win7/Win8/WinAll
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2020/2/12 14:11:05
- 开 发 商:
101 is the simplest of all multi-clipboard programs. Just have it running minimized and it will capture everything you cut or copy from other programs.
101 Clips keeps the last 30 clips. When you need to paste one back, all you have to do is restore it and click on the clip you want.
If you ever wished that you could copy more than a single clip from one document before pasting to another, 101 Clips is for you. With 101 you can copy up to 30 times and unlike other multi clipboards, 101 shows you a preview of each clip before you paste it.
It can also be set to remain on top of your working program. 101 handles all forms of clips including multi graphic Word clips. It even pastes graphics directly into the body of Outlook Express emails. You don't have to save them as JPEGs and attach them.
If you prefer to work entirely from the keyboard, you can choose a function key to restore and then paste any clip by typing the letter shown next to it. When you move the mouse over the clips, you can see them in the viewer. If the clip is text, you see several lines and if it is a graphic, you see a thumbnail.
Here are some key features of "101 Clips":
101 is the simplest of all multi-clipboard programs. Just have it running minimized and it captures everything you cut or copy from other programs. It keeps the last 25. When you want to paste one back, all you have to do is restore it and click on the clip you want. If you prefer to work entirely from the keyboard, you can choose a function key to restore and then paste any clip by typing the letter shown next to it. When you move the mouse over the clips, you can see them in the viewer. If the clip is text, you see several lines and if it is a graphic, you see a thumbnail.
Screen Shots
· To capture the entire screen press Prt Scr.
· To capture the active window press Alt+PrtScr
· To capture an individual graphic from Internet Explorer or AOL, point to the graphic, right click and select "Copy" from the drop down list.
Outlook Compatible
One of the features is that you can paste any screen or graphic directly into the body of an Outlook Express email. With most other programs, you have to save graphics as JPEGs and then attach them.
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