
  • 软件大小: 512KB
  • 软件语言: 英文
  • 软件类别: 国外软件 | 数据恢复
  • 运行环境: Win9x/2000/XP/2003/Vista
  • 授权方式: 免费版
  • 软件等级:
  • 更新时间: 2010/8/14 10:16:22
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  • 一键复制
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    Unstoppable Copier(数据修复)

    Unstoppable Copier(数据修复) 一个功能强大的数据修复工具,程序可以帮助你快速安全的从被损坏的CD光盘,软盘或者硬盘中修复被意外损坏的文件,当你的硬盘被损坏无法进行文件复制操作或者磁盘分区被误删除的时候,Unstoppable Copier可以帮助你快速的找回丢失的文件,对于被损坏的数据,程序会一个字节一个字节不停的进行读取操作,当遇到重试很多次也无法成功读取的数据,程序会自动用空白填充,然后继续读取下一个字节的数据,可以最大限度的帮助你恢复丢失的数据和文件,程序还可以帮助你修复指定目录的指定文件,支持通配符,程序不仅可以用来修复损坏的数据和文件,还可以用来进行任何的文件复制操作!程序体积小巧,而且完全免费

    This program is great for recovering files from scratched CD's or defective floppy/hard disks. Normally when your computer is unable to copy a file from a damaged disk it will abort and delete the portition of the file it has copied. This program however will continue to copy the file right to the end. Any data that is not recoverable after many retries is replaced with blanks. This will allow you to truely recover every byte of information that is available for recovery. The program allows you to specify a single file, a group using wildcards (* and ?) or if you wish, select a starting folder and the program will copy all data from it and any sub folders it may contain. This program doesnt just need to be used for copying files form defective disks, it can be used to transfer any files!

    关键字: Unstoppable 数据修复


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