- 软件大小: 2.07MB
- 软件语言: 多国语言[中文]
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 卸载清除
- 运行环境: 2000/XP/2003/Vista/win7
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2011/6/3 7:48:46
- 开 发 商:
Wise Disk Cleaner 是一个友好界面,快速简便的清理垃圾空间,进行磁盘整理的工具。它能识别多达50种垃圾文件,可以让你轻松地把垃圾文件请出你的计算机。
Wise Disk Cleaner is a free, user friendly, fast and easy to use application developed to free up disk space by deleting junk files that are no longer used by any software on your system. Even the least experienced user can easily remove junk files with this tool.
Wise Disk Cleaner scans junk files and delete these junk files in windows system, your system will can work better and more quickly.
Wise Disk Cleaner can scan more than 50 types of junk files, and you can freely add the type of junk file which you consider.
After Wise Disk Cleaner analyzes your system for find junk files, you can individually view each of the junk file found and call up a detailed description. If you wish, you can also clean up all junk files automatically.
关键字: Wise Disk Cleaner
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