- 软件大小: 5.10MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 音频转换
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 18:58:57
- 开 发 商:
RipEditBurn Plus lets you record any audio file directly into the editor! Record LPs or live vocals, your favorite internet radio and streaming audio! Customize the sound with a full range of DSP studio effects including Normalization for boosting the presence of streamed recordings and Fade In/Out to create seamless mixes. Remove clicks, hisses, and pops from recordings for clear, static-free listening. Make your own library of unique sound effects. RipEditBurn Plus even lets you reduce or eliminate vocals!
关键字: RipEditBurn Plus
- 锁屏应用 Holo Locker Plus v1.2.0 汉化版
- 音乐CD刻录软件 Express Burn Plus v5.06 免费版
- FX文件管理器安卓版 FX File Explorer Plus v5.1.0.19 Final 汉化版
- 提高下载速度工具(Download Accelerator Plus Premium) v10.0.6.0中文版
- 文字编辑器 EditPlus V4.00.753 绿色特别版
- DivX Plus Pro(divx解码器) v10.6.0 简体中文版
- EditPlus(功能强大、且可取代记事本的文字编辑器) v4.0.683 特别版
- EditPlus增强版 v4.00.622 中文汉化增强版 功能强大、且可取代记事本的文字编辑器