- 软件大小: 8.43MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 音频处理
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 18:59:45
- 开 发 商:
Z3TA+ is an award-winning analog-style synthesizer with incredible sound shaping capabilities. The exclusive bandlimited Waveshaping technology makes Z3TA+ one the best and most respected synths in the industry. As a complete instrument, Z3TA+ is oriented to the professional musician and sound programmer looking for uncompromised sound quality and features. Z3TA+ ships with DXi, VST, and stand-alone versions.
Z3TA+ (zay’-ta) is among the most expressive and inspiring virtual instruments available today, fully capable of producing the most authentic vintage analog sounds and incredible, cutting edge modern sounds. Whether you’re looking for lush, warm pads, slowly evolving atmospheres, searing leads or sparkling FM sounds, Z3TA+ delivers the goods, and includes hundreds of professional presets.
关键字: rgcAudio Plus DXi VSTi VSTi DXi
- 锁屏应用 Holo Locker Plus v1.2.0 汉化版
- 音乐CD刻录软件 Express Burn Plus v5.06 免费版
- FX文件管理器安卓版 FX File Explorer Plus v5.1.0.19 Final 汉化版
- 提高下载速度工具(Download Accelerator Plus Premium) v10.0.6.0中文版
- 文字编辑器 EditPlus V4.00.753 绿色特别版
- DivX Plus Pro(divx解码器) v10.6.0 简体中文版
- EditPlus(功能强大、且可取代记事本的文字编辑器) v4.0.683 特别版
- EditPlus增强版 v4.00.622 中文汉化增强版 功能强大、且可取代记事本的文字编辑器