- 软件大小: 10.52MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 视频转换
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 19:00:01
- 开 发 商:
VideoReDo the MPEG editor that lets you edit TV Shows, Movies, and Home Videos in minutes.. rather than hours with traditional video editing software. If you use a PVR or DVR, no matter what your expertise, beginner or video expert, you can easily create custom videos, TV shows and movies.
-Frame Accurate MPEG Editor
-Auto Repair of Video Sync
-Remove TV Advertising
-Edit DVDs
-Works with TiVo and Windows MCE
Just cut to the good parts with the MPEG editor that gives you the freedom to edit and view what you want... fast!
Whether you create digital video by capturing TV programs, convert analog (VHS) tapes, or extract chapters from home recorded DVDs, VideoReDo makes fast work of trimming, cutting, and/or joining your MPEG compressed digital images.
VideoReDo smart rendering technology supports MPEG1 editing (including VCD), MPEG2 and Windows Media Center (MCE) editing , including DVD & SVCD editing, Set Top Boxes like TiVo (with TiVo To Go) and the Siemens M740V, as well as High Definition editing (HD) program stream and transport stream editing.
Name: Udo Engelhardt
Key : 000017-VC53P3-ZWKYVM-68RAFG-QZ90P2-W41ANQ-8VB336-EZJ2YD-0EWUFW-EC4EX7
关键字: VideoReDo Plus 特别版
- 柠萌影音特别版(柠萌在线影音播放器) 7.96 绿色版
- dps数据处理系统特别版(dps数据处理软件) 7.05 绿色版
- 影子卫士特别版 v1.4.0.629 简体中文特别版 Roustar31
- 锁屏应用 Holo Locker Plus v1.2.0 汉化版
- 音乐CD刻录软件 Express Burn Plus v5.06 免费版
- FX文件管理器安卓版 FX File Explorer Plus v5.1.0.19 Final 汉化版
- 磁力看片神器清爽特别版安卓版 1.2.0官方版
- 提高下载速度工具(Download Accelerator Plus Premium) v10.0.6.0中文版