- 软件大小: 1.94MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 视频转换
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 19:04:00
- 开 发 商:
输入格式支持 AAC/AMR/EVRC/MPEG-1/SMV 等音频文件,H263/H264/MPEG-4 Raw 等视频文件,以及 AVI/MPEG-PS/MPEG-4/MOV/OGG/QCP/3GP 等容器文件。支持导入 GPAC/MicroDVD/QuickTime TeXML/SubRip 等格式的字幕文件,还可添加 OGM/GPAC 等格式的章节文件。
可将 MP4/M4A/M4V/MOV/3GP/3GP2/3GPP/3G2 等文件按照持续时间/轨道数目/文件大小任意分割,或将其所支持的全部视频/音频格式合并为 MPEG-4/3GPP 文件。
大脚丫·Yamb 对 3GP/MP4 除转码以外的(2)(3)(4)功能都是直接处理的,如:分割/合并;添加字幕等。
English Product Description:for fixdown.com
YAMB (the acronym of Yet Another Mp4Box UI) is able to create, split and join MP4 or 3GP files containing audio and video streams, subtitles or chapters.
YAMB is a new graphical interface for mp4box using, a tool based on command lines which is a part of GPAC Framework. This GUI is mainly dedicated to the Windows OS.
Features of YAMB :
• Yamb can split, join or create mp4 or 3gp files containing:
- video streams with m4v, cmp, h264, 264, h263, 263 as input format or from avi, mpg, mpeg, vob, mp4, ogg, qcp and 3gp files.
- audio streams with aac, amr, awb, evc, mp3, msv, vorbis as input format or from avi, mpg, mpeg, vob (mp2 only), mp4 and 3gp files.
- subtitles with srt (SubRip), ttxt (GPAC), sub (MicroDVD) and xml (QuickTime TeXML) as input formats.
- chapters from text format (OGM or GPAC).
• Yamb can also extract some streams. In this case, this GUI is able to recover:
- Video or Audio stream from avi files.
- stream or Audio/Video track in a raw formats.
- stream or Audio/Video track in a new mp4 files.
- visual track in avi files.
- subtitles as srt or ttxt output format.
- chapters as OGM text format.
• Yamb can retrieve some informations about different streams especially for mp4, m4v, cmp, ogg, qcp and 3gp files. You can get this whether by a global way or for each tracks available.
• Yamb is also able to convert srt to ttxt subtitles format or ttxt to srt.
• Yamb has some other additional settings concerning language, tracks names, Pixels Aspect Ratio, etc...
• Yamb supports Unicode completely.
关键字: YAMB 英文正式版