- 软件大小: 1.77MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 音频处理
- 运行环境: 2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 软件等级:
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 19:05:19
- 开 发 商:
Guitar Speed Trainer Guitar Speed Trainer 使用 Guitar Speed Trainer 这款演奏练习软件可以学习更快速的演奏等级,模拟,敲击和独奏。该软件包括交替采集,半交替采集,交换采集和开发方面的训练。 Do you want to play fast? Are you ready to follow a systematic training method? Can you practice at least 20 minutes a day for the next two months? The Guitar Speed Trainer is a home study course software designed to help you develop superior speed and technique. It starts with knowledge... The first thing you need is correct information. If you want to make significant progress then you simply must know all the important facts about guitar speed. That's why the very first thing you will do with the Guitar Speed Trainer will be learning the fundamentals: How speed picking really works. The four picking strategies. The three types of motion. How to measure your speed. Advantages and disadvantages of different approaches. The "PP" secret for developing jaw-dropping speed. The five worst training mistakes, and how to avoid them. How to do the right exercise at the right time. The "LRB" secret of super-coordination at high speed. Then, effective training Once you have the knowledge, the Guitar Speed Trainer then helps you translate it into action and get the best possible results in the shortest time. For example, GST helps you measure your Speed Profile and use that information to fine-tune your exercises. To get maximum benefit from every single minute of practice, GST uses the Ideal Speed Curve. This is a unique training strategy that ensure you always train "in the zone". Simple but effective drills focus on different types of Fingering and Phrasing (e.g scales, patterns, chromatic, etc.) All important Picking Techniques (e.g. single and double, alternate and semi-alternate, etc.) are exercised through short specialized exercises. Combining together all the individual techniques into a Virtuoso Solo is the final step. What seemed at first an impossible dream gradually becomes a concrete reality, in only a few weeks, thanks to GST's progressive and effective training strategy. So that's what the Guitar Speed Trainer truly gives you: All the necessary knowledge and all the personalized training you need to become a very fast guitar player.
关键字: Guitar Speed Trainer
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