- 软件大小: 96.61MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 音频处理
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 软件等级:
- 更新时间: 2009/3/12 17:51:34
- 开 发 商:
Ableton Live 一款音乐制作软件,允许用户以自然的方式作曲,录音,remix(重混音),即席创作和编辑自己的音乐构思.Ableton Live 将声响,电子和虚拟乐器及数字录音置于单一的界面中,极其易用.它使用户可以把全部精力集中到真正该关注的东西:你自己的音乐上.部分功能:* MIDI:完整的音序,MIDI剪辑的结合和重组;直接MIDI录音,编辑和Pattern(音色片段)创建;MIDI库及单个MIDI文件的程序设定;图形化的MIDI调整数据;....* 音频:预览和组合任意采样率,长度和位深的AIFF, WAV,SDII 音频文件;任意音频文件实间拉伸;音频文件内音调和段落的扭曲;...* 播放:即兴发挥和创意重组时非线性的组织和触发音频和MIDI文件;音频和MIDI文件可映射到MIDI键盘和计算机键;自动jamming(jazz音乐即席演奏)-创建一组相互触发的文件,生成特定或随机的输出;...* 录音:全面的音频和MIDI录音和音序生成;数目不限的24-bit/192 Khz多轨硬盘录音;完整的无损编辑,无限次undo;...* 效果:大量创新性的Ableton音频和MIDI效果;新的Ableton乐器(Simpler-基于样本的合成,Impulse-动态打击乐器声音设计),VST和Audio Unit(苹果音频插件格式)插件乐器/效果及ReWire赋予的无限的扩展能力;...等等
Ableton is proud to release Live 6. Like no other Ableton release, Live 6 has opened itself to new creative communities ffering Quicktime video support, a professional multisample library, and customizable racks of instruments and effects. Live 6 also satisfies frequent user requests by delivering multicore support, enhanced project management tools, and improved MIDI control.
"Live 6 upholds Ableton's tradition of responding to and respecting our vocal user base while maintaining
our vision for the program," says Ableton CEO and co- founder Gerhard Behles. "The results are exciting ive 6 is our most versatile and powerful version to date. We also spent significant development resources on workflow improvements to make sure Live continues to feel good as the functionality grows."
With Quicktime video support, Live enters the world of post-production. Drag and drop movies directly into Live's Arrangement View, and monitor the result on a video window or second screen. Then, align music to visuals, and process the movie's audio signal within Live. It has never been easier to improvise, compose and warp music to picture.
The Essential Instrument Collection provides Live 6 users with a comprehensive library of multisampled instruments. The included instruments cover the entire musical spectrum, from orchestral strings and brasses, to classic guitars and electric keyboards, to instruments like the harp and the glockenspiel. Load and play the collection in Live's Simpler, or in Sampler bleton's new optional multi-sample instrument.
Instrument and Effect Racks offer a new level of depth to Live without sacrificing accessibility. Use Racks to create, save, and control customized groupings of multiple instruments, effects and plug- ins. Then distribute your creations online. Use the Rack's included knobs to adjust any number of parameters with a single knob or fader. Live 6 comes with many preconfigured racks with both instruments and common processing tools like guitar and bass distortion, drum processing, and mastering.
关键字: Ableton Live
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