
  • 软件大小: 9.80MB
  • 软件语言: 英文
  • 软件类别: 国外软件 | 网络安全
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  • 授权方式: 免费版
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  • 更新时间: 2009/2/26 7:22:38
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    GFI EndPointSecurity

    GFI EndPointSecurity 使得管理员可以管理用户对系统各种设备(外部储存,网卡)的访问权限.

    Control network access of portable storage devices and drives, such as USB drives, iPods and PDAs
    You have invested in network anti-virus software, firewalls, email and web content security to protect against external threats. Yet any user can come into the office, plug in a USB drive the size of the average keychain and take in/out over 80 GB of data. This poses a tremendous threat: Users can take confidential data or they can unknowingly introduce viruses, trojans, illegal software and more – actions that can affect your network and company severely. Yet, as an administrator you have no way to control this! Group policy offers no control and total lock down of USB ports is no sustainable solution.

    Prevent data theft and virus infection from within with endpoint security software
    According to a 2005 FBI Computer Crime Survey, 44% of organizations have reported network intrusions from within their own organizations. Technology analyst Gartner warns that portable devices containing a USB or FireWire connection are a serious new threat to businesses. In their report, Gartner named portable storage devices as a significant security risk in the workplace and advised that these can be used both to download confidential data, and also to introduce a virus into the company network

    关键字: GFI EndPointSecurity


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