- 软件大小: 26.12MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 网络安全
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 特别版
- 更新时间: 2008/11/24 7:25:05
- 开 发 商:
ZoneAlarm Pro ZoneAlarm Pro是一个获奖的个人电脑防火墙,它能保护你的个人数据和隐私安全,保护你的系统安全面受黑客和蠕虫病毒以及木马的攻击,防范47种恶意的电子邮件附件病毒。它还包括了Cookie控制和广告过滤使你能更安全快速的享受网络。
ZoneAlarm includes five interlocking security services that deliver easy-to-use, comprehensive protection. Unlike any other security utility, it incorporates a firewall, Application Control, an Internet Lock, dynamically assigned Security Levels and Zones. Combined, these elements yield the strongest security possible.
Key: 7MF0H-9BH9P-1DP1N-4HTUSF-H68880
[15:08:40] <outrance> ZoneAlarm Security Suite
[15:08:41] <outrance> 6G9A8-XNR5S-X1TVD-7H3JWV-VUWK40
[15:11:22] <outrance> Open the ZoneAlarm Control Center by clicking the ZoneAlarm logo in the system tray in the lower right corner of your Windows desktop. Click the "Overview" tab from the list on the left side of the Co
[15:11:22] <outrance> ntrol Center screen. Then click the "Product Info" tab in the upper right portion of the screen.
[15:11:28] <outrance> if it can help, dunno :)
[15:44:21] <outrance> > ZoneAlarm Pro(Firewall & Anti-Spyware): ERHAG-GTIBM-FHIPX-BU26KJ-QSNSC0
[15:44:29] <outrance> > ZA ForceField : 0CG78-SB7XK-MGF3K-TDENAG-0FU200
[15:44:37] <outrance> ZoneAlarm Antivirus Plus Firewall : 0DPNQ-N8JWF-GDJQA-9K9JI8-RHCHK0
关键字: ZoneAlarm Pro
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