
  • 软件大小: 46.00MB
  • 软件语言: 英文
  • 软件类别: 国外软件 | 网络安全
  • 运行环境: Win2000/XP/2003
  • 授权方式: 免费版
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  • 更新时间: 2009/3/6 21:31:10
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    Agnitum Outpost Security Suite PRO 2009

    Agnitum Outpost Security Suite PRO 2009 是最新推出的集合反病毒和反木马功能的专业防火墙安全套装,可以360度保护系统不受外界恶意程序、垃圾信息的侵扰,让您轻松愉快的使用网络。

    Outpost Security Suite Pro detailed features:

    Safe surfing
    The robust, time-tested firewall at the heart of Outpost Security Suite Pro shields you from the web’s darker side. It watches your computer’s every connection, preventing local and remote unauthorized network access. By controlling applications’ inbound and outbound Internet access, the firewall stops malware from communicating to and from your PC.

    Preemptive threat protection
    The first line of defense against most malware attacks is the suite’s unique program interaction safeguard, which proactively monitors for and blocks the kinds of sophisticated hacking techniques used to compromise or steal data. Your data will be safe from inappropriate access, and potential zero-day attacks will be foiled by Outpost’s application behavior analysis. These advanced technologies deliver preemptive protection against the majority of threats.

    360-degree protection against malware
    The suite’s lightweight yet effective malware scanner that combines anti-virus and anti-spyware capabilities detects and quarantines or removes viruses, spyware and other malicious software automatically. The resident on-access monitor is constantly on guard against malware idly lying or activating, yet has little or no impact on system performance.

    Always-on defense
    Outpost Security Suite Pro uses specialized techniques to ensure that its own protection cannot be disabled by targeted malware that’s designed to do just that.

    Personalized antispam
    The antispam engine will keep your inbox free of junk email. You can train it to recognize and use your personal definition of spam, so it becomes more efficient and an even greater time saver the longer you use it.

    Powerful protection that’s easy to use
    For beginners, Outpost Security Suite Pro offers extensive assistance in making the best use of the Program’s powerful features to correctly configure their protection. From live assistance through the interface to the ImproveNet system of automatic configurations to the clearly written documentation, the suite is easy for even a novice to use. Advanced users will welcome the wealth of control options and customizable settings they can use to customize their own configurations, and the streamlined interface will deliver more productive and less intrusive protection for all users, no matter what their level of expertise

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    关键字: Agnitum Outpost Security Suite PRO


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