- 软件大小: 10.92MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 动作射击
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2007/9/10 7:26:24
- 开 发 商:
The highly anticipated sequel to Star Defender 2 is finally here! Get ready to fight through hoards of alien beasts as they mercilessly attack the Earth! Blast through 8 huge missions as you prove who's boss, once and for all! With fantastic new weapons, a progressive system of bonuses and attacks in brilliant new locations, this is the most exciting Star Defender yet! The explosions will blow you away so don't miss this hot battle as you fire up your laser and get to work!
关键字: Star Defender 特别版
- 优酷视频XL大屏特别版 v2.9.3 去广告特别版
- win10开始菜单功能增强工具(Start10) v1.15 免费版
- 创建WiFi热点工具(HostedNetworkStarter) v1.10绿色版
- 影子卫士特别版 v1.4.0.650 简体中文特别版 Roustar31
- Shadow Defender(影子系统免费版)下载 v1.4.0.650 简体中文特别版
- Win10开始菜单增强工具 StartIsBack++ v1.3.3 简体中文特别版
- 文件浏览器(Listary Pro) V5.00 Build 2410 免费版
- Win10开始菜单功能增强工具 Stardock Start 10 v1.11 中文多语免费版